Monday, April 9, 2007

Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

"Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" is the second movie of the original "Star Wars" trilogy, and the fifth overall.
The Rebellion's celebration of the destruction of the Death Star is short-lived. The Galactic Empire is pursuing them all over the galaxy...driven by Lord Darth Vader's obsession with finding Luke Skywalker. While hiding out on the polar planet Hoth, Luke has a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi...who tells him to seek out the Jedi Master Yoda. While Luke travels to Dagobah to learn the ways of the Force, his friends have their hands full. Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO are being relentlessly chased by the Empire...and the Millenium Falcon keeps breaking down on them. Add a group of bounty hunters, a city in the clouds, and a shocking secret revealed...will this spell the end of the Rebellion?
Many (yours truly included) consider "Empire" to be the best of the original trilogy...and quite possibly the best of the entire series. This is a much darker tale than most of the rest of the saga (with the possible exception of "Revenge Of The Sith"). While there are some spectacular action sequences (the chase between four TIE Fighters and the Millenium Falcon through an asteroid field is especially thrilling), there are not as many as in some of the other movies of the series. You do, however, have the first exceptional lightsaber fight...between Darth Vader and Luke.
It is the interaction between the characters that truly makes this movie special. The banter between Han Solo and Leia is especially amusing...watching as their love/hate relationship continues to grow. Another great interaction takes place between Luke and we watch him attempting to become a Jedi Knight like his father before him.
The last half hour of this movie contains quite possibly the biggest shock in movie history. Even watching it for the eighty-fifth still get chills.
For an awesome sci-fi classic...and the best of the "Star Wars" series..."Empire Strikes Back" is the one.
Starring - Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, and Frank Oz. Directed by Irvin Kershner.
Time - 2 hours, 7 minutes. Rated - PG (Sci-fi violence)

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