Monday, April 9, 2007

My Two Cents - Really Bad Movies

Have you ever noticed that there are certain things in life that just stick out? Like, for example...a REALLY bad movie?
We all remember the great movies. The ones that we talk about endlessly. The ones that when we merely mention it around friends, you can see their eyes glazing over...because they know they have at least two hours of misery awaiting them. But, we also remember the bad ones too. Especially the big bombs.
Now...every now and again...there is a movie that is so bad, it's actually kind of good. I have to admit, I didn't think "Showgirls" was as bad as everyone made it out to be. Granted, you are never going to see that on any classics list...but it wasn't THAT bad.
And then...there are the true bombs. I'm talking Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Elvis couldn't save this picture. Movies so freaking bad, you couldn't even finish watching it. For example..."In Dreams", with Annette Bening and Robert Downey Jr. I made it about half an hour into the movie...and quit. All the while, I was shaking my head in disgust that I wasted thirty minutes of my life and three bucks renting that stink bomb.
So...what do you all have to add? Got a movie that you disowned someone over? Ever left a movie theater and asked for your money back? Let's hear about them...

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