Friday, April 13, 2007

Review - Streets Of Fire

"Streets Of Fire" is an action/adventure movie, set in "another time, another place."
Ellen Aim is one of the hottest singers around...and she's back in her old hometown to do a benefit concert. Unfortunately, the concert has some uninvited the form of Raven Shaddock and the Bombers. They kidnap Ellen and cause general havoc in the process. Enter Tom Cody...ex-soldier and Ellen's one-time flame. He's back in town on his sister's request...and after striking a deal with Ellen's manager, Billy Fish, agrees to rescue Ellen. With the aid of fellow former soldier McCoy, the unlikely heroes must head deep into Bomber's territory and then get back out. But even if they succeed...there are other issues that must be resolved.
"Streets Of Fire" follows the old format of the unlikely group of heroes who travels on a quest to rescue the maiden fair...and generally picks up members as the trip continues. While rock-and-roll seems to be the unifying factor in the story, the cars and guns seem to place the movie in an older time. No one ever actually says where the movie takes place...but New York seems to be a likely possibility.
The story in general is a little cliche...and some of the acting seems a little more like over-acting. But, the movie moves along at a good pace...and the characters are entertaining. And...there is some pretty good music in here as well.
An entertaining tale of action and romance with a good 1980's soundtrack..."Streets Of Fire" saves the day.
Starring - Michael Pare, Diane Lane, Willem Dafoe, Rick Moranis, Amy Madigan, Rick Rossovich, and Bill Paxton. Directed by Walter Hill.
Time - 1 hour, 33 minutes. Rated - PG (Violence, language, adult situations)

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