Thursday, June 18, 2009

Review - Star Trek

The long-anticipated and much-hyped reboot of the "Star Trek" series arrived this summer. As a long-time Trek fan, I walked into the theater with a mixture of anticipation and dread. To my delight...the anticipation and hype were all worth it! To this point, this is hands-down the best film of the summer!
This is not so much a new chapter with the old Star Trek characters...but a reimagining of the old storyline. The same characters from The Original Series...but completely different. A fascinating concept (as Spock might put it), but it works. And what helps the most is an unbelievable cast! I never thought I would live to see the day I said someone out-Spocked Leonard Nimoy...but Zachary Quinto pulls it off! Chris Pine captures the charismatic swagger of Kirk. Karl Urban almost steals the movie as the crusty "Bones" McCoy. My only complaint on the casting goes with Anton Yelchin as Chekov. They seemed to play him more for comic relief than anything else.
Easily, no contest, the best movie of the summer (so far)!!

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