Saturday, March 24, 2007

Three Best Of - Clint Eastwood

Ah, opinions. Such a wonderful thing. This is what allows someone (such as yours truly) to give their opinion on anything. In this case...what I consider to be the three best movies of actor/director Clint Eastwood.
Let me first say that I have not seen every single movie that Clint Eastwood has ever starred in. And obviously...the three I select may not be the three that you, the good readers of this blog, may have picked. I said...opinions! And if you have one...let me know what it is! I'm an equal-opportunity presenter of opinions!
With that three selections for Clint Eastwood's best movies:
1 - "Dirty Harry" (1971). The first of the classic "Dirty Harry" series and easily the best. This movie was the first movie where the cop wasn't a clean-cut, Joe Friday type. This was a cop you would fear if you were a criminal. One who shoots first and asks questions later. One who wasn't afraid to get dirty to get the job done. Eastwood's dead-pan delivery and cool under fire gave Harry Callahan presence and strength...and who could ever forget the classic speech involving a .44 Magnum? Beyond the character, this movie has an excellent supporting cast, as well as an interesting storyline.
2 - "Play Misty For Me" (1971). "Play Misty For Me" is practically the anti-"Dirty Harry". Eastwood isn't a gun-toting super cop...he's a DJ in a jazz station in Carmel, California. But it is his vulnerability in the face of a "Fatal Attraction" style-stalker that makes this movie so unique. It is also Eastwood's first venture on the other side of the he directed "Misty" as well. Here, he shows that he is as good a director as an actor.
3 - "In The Line Of Fire" (1993). I can already hear the crowd. "Where are the westerns?" Well, I liked them just fine. But it was Eastwood's performance in "Line Of Fire" that stands out to me. His haunted and near-obsessed portrayal of the only Secret Service agent to ever lose a President is powerful and convincing...and he carries the seasoned air of a man resigned to the pages of history. And with an equally powerful supporting cast, as well as a gripping story and the always-excellent direction of Wolfgang Petersen, "Line Of Fire" is easily one of Eastwood's best.
There you have it. Now...agree or disagree? Let me hear it!

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